Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Try clicking your heels three times, Mbeki

Here's some serious self-delusion from the South African president on Zimbabwe's murderous Robert Mugabe:

South African President Thabo Mbeki said he believed Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe will step down peacefully and that the chief challenge for the region was to ensure Zimbabwe has free and fair elections next year.

Mbeki told Tuesday's Financial Times he had started mediation following his appointment last week by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to spearhead efforts to resolve Zimbabwe's crisis.

Asked if the 83-year-old Mugabe -- accused of electoral abuses and economic mismanagement by the opposition -- would eventually stand down, Mbeki said he believed he would.

"I think so. Yes, sure," Mbeki said. "You see, President Mugabe and the leadership of (the ruling) ZANU-PF believe they are running a democratic country."
Sure, yeah, why not? Sounds good. Whatever.

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