Monday, April 23, 2007

There can be only one - Michael Barone writes that the Democrats are in a dilemma between ending the war and funding the troops. (More from Betsy and Hot Air.) I'm getting the feeling that the Democrats and getting squeezed as a time of choosing approaches, which is why Harry Reid gave another red meat speech for the anti-war left before he caves in on a clean funding bill.

More - The Las Vegas Review Journal echoes my opinion:

Thus, the Democrats' careful strategy requires them to appear to oppose Mr. Bush's ongoing occupation of Iraq (to please their pacifist base), without taking any concrete, "binding" actions to change the status quo.

Enter Sen. Reid, flopping around in big red shoes like Bozo the Clown.
(HT: New Editor)


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Hee, hee! It's already Bush's war, now and forever. As the 2008 election cycle begins to kick in, let's make it 44 GOP Senators' war, too.

  2. I am wondering how long the "it's Bush's fault" line will last. Until 2010, 2011? Hell, maybe if Hillary or Obama is elected next year they'll say in 2012 when they are running for re-election that 4 years just wasn't enough to fix the Bush mess.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Waaaaaahhh! 9/11 was really Bill Clinton's fault, John Kerry didn't deserve those medals, Ted Kennedy drowned a girl, and don't get me started on that putz Woodrow Wilson, but Bush's reponsibility ends at noon on 1/20/09! Waaaaaahhhh!!!!

  4. Anonymous3:20 AM

    your pet trolls are out in force.

  5. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Making fun of weepy whiners = trolling.

    But preemptively wondering when the feckless Democrats Of The Future will stop blaming poor GWB already and do their damn job? Why, that's just good, smart speculation.
