Monday, April 23, 2007

Overplaying their hand - From the Boston Globe "A dangerous game of chicken for Democrats": "This time, if Democrats insist on their policy and public sentiment rallies behind them, the GOP collapse on national security issues will be complete. If, however, the public blames Democrats for risking troops in Iraq, congressional Democrats will have committed a political blunder nearly as dramatic as the invasion of Iraq itself. So who should swerve first? The lessons of 1995 suggest that Democrats today are on the verge of a major mistake."


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Mmm, yes, those devilish "lessons of 1995." You mean when the opposition Congress tried to push a direction that had widespread public support upon a historically unpopular President?

    Oh, no, wait, it was exactly the other way around. The public liked the President and didn't like the plan. Ergo, failure.

    No matter... carry on with the Gingrich and the tarmac and the shutting down government analogy. Maybe history will repeat for the first time.

  2. Golly, did you even read the article? It was written by a Clinton official who is afraid the Democrats are going to botch their chances for the White House in 2008.

    No matter...carry on and maybe 2008 will be like 1996, when Americans decided it wasn't a good idea to change parties in the executive branch.

  3. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Brrr, scary!

    Or maybe it'll be like 1974. In that case, Congress used its budgetary powers to force a scandal-ridden White House to bring troops home from a military disaster that had lost political and popular support.

    Maybe it's not as precise an analogy as Newt Gingrich being snubbed on an airplane, but you can't have everything.

  4. Anonymous12:02 PM

    "Or maybe it'll be like 1974. In that case, Congress used its budgetary powers to force a scandal-ridden White House to bring troops home from a military disaster that had lost political and popular support."

    The troops were home by 1974 except for maybe a handful. What happened was the Democrats cut the funding to the South Vietnamese which led the slaughter of millions of people by the Stalinists. But hey, I suppose it fulfilled your totalitarian bloodlust so I guess at least some people were happy.

  5. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Yeah, doesn't it suck when pulling out U.S. troops results in carnage? Good to see you caring so much about the other country's civilians, General Anonymous.

    Oooh, it's so irritating! If only there were some way to have avoided putting ourselves in a position where we had to pull troops out of a chaotic country... some conceivable way that we might have avoided pointless disgrace... if only... if only... there must have been some solution, somehow... GOSH, this is tough.
