Thursday, April 26, 2007

The nightmare scenario

Was it really just a year ago that Republicans controlled every branch of government? I'm skeptical the Republicans can hold the White House in 2008 if only because Americans rarely keep the same party in power for three terms (George Bush Sr. being a recent exception in a phenomenon known as "Reagan's third term.") But now political observers are floating the scenario that the Democrats could capture a filibuster-proof 60 vote majority in one or two political cycles:

Controlling 60 seats is the holy grail in the Senate. It allows the majority party to block filibusters from the minority and truly run the chamber.

The last time a party held 60 or more seats was three decades ago when Democrats had 61 seats in the 95th Congress (1977-1979). But, the combination of a toxic political environment for Republicans and a relatively small number of Democratic vulnerabilities has skilled observers -- including Fix friend and Roll Call columnist Stu Rothenberg -- starting to talk about the possibility of Democrats getting to 60 in the next two or four years.
Oh. My. Heck. Of course, two years is an eternity in politics but there's no shortage of reasons why the Republicans blew their hard-fought majority after just twelve years.


  1. Anonymous2:01 AM

    And just IMAGINE how many seats the Dems could control, if only Harry Reid weren't, like, totally the worst politician ever.

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    It's certainly possible. The country choked about as much as is possible in 2006. And the country has proven before it is capable of making repeated suicide attempts.

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    If you liked 2006, you're going to love 2008. And the only choker is the nincompoop who started and lost the war.
