Friday, April 20, 2007

Harry Reid is a contemptible SOB

Sometime before the Democrats recaptured Congress in 2006 I told a college friend that I merely dislike Nancy Pelosi but I loathe Harry Reid. At his cold heart, Reid is a weasel cut from the Chuck Schumer cloth who puts politics first and country second.

So when Reid said the war in Iraq is already "lost," I didn't view it as a gaffe where a politician accidentally tells the truth. I believe Reid is throwing some red meat to the nutcase Left before the Democrats cave on the Iraq funding resolution. It's all a show because Harry Reid and most Democrats don't have the courage of their convictions. Rick Moran hits it square on:

How can you possibly justify continuing to vote for a war that you believe is hopelessly lost? Our young men are dying in numbers not seen since the first weeks of the war and the Democrats are cowering in the corner, afraid of their own political shadow. The only option open to the Democrats if they truly believe the war is "lost" is to scrap the deal on the emergency supplemental and only vote for funds that would withdraw American troops from combat. It is a mystery why they are hesitating in this regard. The most recent Gallup poll shows that nearly 70% of Americans agree with Harry Reid - that the surge is a failure. How much more political cover do you need? When are you people going to grow a set and stand up for your principles rather than try more trickery and back door shenanigans?
I don't believe for a second that Harry Reid "accidentally" blurted out his true position on Iraq. It's all a kabuki dance for the MoveOn and Kos Kids to keep them happy while appealing to Middle America by funding the war, while clucking disappointed tongues. Here's the real Harry Reid gaffe:

"We're going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war. Senator Schumer has shown me numbers that are compelling and astounding."
Just don't question his patriotism.

Extra - Mark Levin: "Reid must resign."

More - Hartford Courant: "Lieberman Scolds Reid For 'War Lost' Remark"


  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Waaaah, waaah, waaaaaahhhhh. Bush & Rove gambled on the "Defeatocrats" strategy. It paid off for a while, and you didn't just like it, you LOVED it. Now it's a thousand-pound block chained to the GOP's leg, and thus we're "MovingOn" to Harry Reid, fifth column creep.

    Again, may I interject "Waaaaahhhh"? Live by the demagoguery, die by the demagoguery. In the 1960s, they called it "the Credibility Gap." Today, they're just calling it "the worst Presidency in history."

    You picked the wrong horse, Tex. It happens. And here comes 2008. Prepare to be compelled and astounded!

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Harry Reid is a contemptible SOB

    Yeah. Superior Over Bush.

    Oooh, wait, I didn't realize JOE LIEBERMAN disapproved. He's had a real handle on the war from the beginning. The word of Joe changes EVERYTHING!!!!
