Friday, April 13, 2007

Doffing Don - Imus firing: Bad for the Democrats? Now I'm confused: I thought Imus was a rabid right-winger. Never saw the show.

Extra - From Hot Air: "Is Imus responsible for Jon Corzine's car accident?"


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    You're linking to a spokesman for Joe Lieberman as to what's bad for the Democrats.

    And to Brian "Air America will go off the air now... okay, now... okay, NOW... 1-2-3-now!" Maloney as to the state of radio.

    Good luck getting the correct lay of the land from them!

  2. Riiiiiight. And getting 'Goofy Ned' beaten like a red-headed step-child by Joe Lieberman was good for the Dems how?

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Goofy Ned's tragic loss is related to the Lieberman's assessment of the Imus in the Morning Show hooooooooooooooow?

    (In case you haven't noticed, Joe Lieberman and his spokespeople are mostly experts on what's good or bad for the Connecticut for Lieberman Party, not the Democratic Party.)
