Friday, April 13, 2007

Do as I editorialize, not as I do

The president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and a rep for the Boston Newspaper Guild implore the Boston Globe to stop that evil practice of outsourcing:

The plane from Bangalore touched down last month and off stepped a group of trainees headed for The Boston Globe -- here only briefly for job training before going back to India and taking 45 Massachusetts jobs with them.

What kind of sense does this make? Not much. According to whom? According to the Globe and The New York Times.
Shipping jobs off to Bangalore? For shame, Boston Globe, for shame.


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I think the jobs should come back on the condition they are forever non-union. That would prove how much the union truly cares about the workers plight.

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I think ALL the jobs should be sent to India, on the condition that the New York Times Company continue to pay its full tax obligations to the country that enabled them to amass their corporate wealth in the first place. That would prove that I'm an even bigger know-nothing demagogue than "Vermont Woodchuck."
