Thursday, April 26, 2007

Broder slams Harry Reid

From today's WashPost, David Broder is not so enthralled with the Senate's top Democrat:

Instead of reinforcing the important proposition -- defined by the Iraq Study Group-- that a military strategy for Iraq is necessary but not sufficient to solve the myriad political problems of that country, Reid has mistakenly argued that the military effort is lost but a diplomatic-political strategy can still succeed.

The Democrats deserve better, and the country needs more, than Harry Reid has offered as Senate majority leader.
Can you believe this guy's a Mormon?

Extra - Al Qaeda quotes Harry Reid.


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Can you believe this guy's a Mormon?

    Take away that second m, and it's a cinch. At some point for one's credibility, a writer needs to be right about Iraq once in a while.

    Is there a Beltway insider that this guy won't spoon with? Or a talking point he won't indulge?

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    You put an extra M in Moron. That would be an unwarranted elevation to sentience.

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Who was the last "traitorous fool" to play right into Al-Qaeda's hands, by doing just what the terrorists said they wanted?

    Oh, yeah... it was when Bush invaded Iraq.

  4. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Media Matters, on David Broder:

    Think about where the Democrats were when Harry Reid became their leader in the Senate. Think about where they are now. Think about David Broder's recent prediction of a Bush comeback; his touting of Bush's response to Katrina; his praise for Cheney and Rumsfeld; his claims that journalists should apologize to Karl Rove for saying he did something he did; his call for fewer details and less discussion of policy from candidates; his defense of Richard Nixon; his prediction that if Joe Lieberman lost his primary, Democrats would perform poorly in the general election; his double standards in his coverage of candidates personal lives; his suggestion that Bill Clinton should have resigned because he "may well have lied" about sex; his unwillingness to say that a "lawless" president who "repeatedly defied the Constitution" should step down; his elitist and arrogant statement that he and his pals care more about being lied to than you do; his hypocritical statement that Kerry's and Gore's "arrogance rankled Midwesterners such as myself."

    Think about all that, and ask yourself: If you were David Broder, wouldn't you -- just maybe -- think twice before accusing someone else of "bumbling" and "ineptitude"?

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

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