Sunday, April 22, 2007

Amazing Race update - Eric & Danielle survive a double whammy

Teams start out the next leg in Hong Kong and, if you'll recall, Eric & Danielle need to come in first or incur a 30-minute penalty at the Pit Stop. This has got to be the last episode before the season finale, which can't come too soon for me.

Teams must travel by turbo-ferry to Macau and then find a guy with a rickshaw. Oswald & Danny are dead broke with only the cash provided for this leg. Once in Macau, teams need to find the tallest building in town which is the Macau Tower. Caution: yield ahead. The Beauty Queens used the Yield before in the Race so they're obviously nervous about payback. However, in a twist I never saw coming, Oswald & Danny ask Team Blondie for some cash in exchange for their Yield power. For $45, they bribe them to delay Eric & Danielle, who are perceived as the bigger threat. Wow, that's harsh.

Once at Macau Tower, it's the Roadblock and one team member must do "the world's highest skyjump" and leap off the 280m tower. There's a lot of screaming and the Blondies go first then head to the next clue at a Chinese garden. Eric & Danielle are not at all amused to see that they've been yielded twice. Bleeped out expletives are used.

Once at the garden, it's the Detour: Noodle or Dragon. Teams may either go to a noodle factory and make some pasta or carry a dragon head to the docks and find a boat. The dragon Detour is only three-quarters of a mile to carry a bulky head but three teams take the noodles. Oswald & Danny get lost on their taxi drive to the dragon and fall behind. Team Blondies finish just as Eric & Danielle arrive; Charla & Mirna cut their noodles too thick and fall behind Eric & Danielle. When things get tight in the Race, Mirna reveals her ugly side and this time is no exception as she berates Charla relentlessly.

The Blondies go to their next clue which is attached to a tiny car, which they must drive to the Pit Stop. The Dragon detour seems to be the wrong choice after all as Oswald & Danny fall back to last place. Never fear, Charla & Mirna who as I like to say can't do anything right promptly drive their mini-car into a pole and then can't figure out how to get the car into reverse. Hilariously, they get out and try to push the car backwards (while still in gear, apparently) as angry Macauans (?) honk their displeasure at the crazy couple blocking the intersection. Eventually, they get help from a taxi driver and head back onto the road.

Meanwhile, Dustin & Kandace arrive as team #1 so they're heading to the finale. Eric & Danielle are #2, but now it's a half-hour wait to see if the other teams can make it. Charla & Mirna arrive next but it looks like Oswald & Danny got dropped off at the wrong entrance. Can they still make it in time?

NO! Eric & Danielle chew on fingernails and wait out the penalty and check in as team #3. Oswald & Danny went from first to worst and arrive to the mat last. But it's yet another non-elimination leg and now Oswald & Danny must finish first or incur a 30-minute penalty. They're also going to incur the rage of Eric & Danielle who are majorly ticked about the Yield.

Final standings:

#1 - Dustin & Kandace - Prize: Waverunners
#2 - Charla & Mirna
#3 - Eric & Danielle
#4 - Danny & Oswald - Non-elimination leg again

Next week: The end, at last.

Extra - Check out Brainster for Pat's recap of tonight's episode.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that this whole episode and the last are for nothing! What an annoyance.

    BTW, did you notice that the BQs claimed to Eric and Danielle they did not specify whom Danny and Ozzie should yield. Not true, they specified the Frat Boy and his (probably former) girlfriend.
