Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ahmadinejad - what a swell guy!

From the Simpsons:

Bart: A nanny?
Homer: But how am I supposed to pay for that?
Lisa: We'll find a way. Mom has made so many sacrifices for us, it's time we gave up something for her. I'll stop buying Malibu Stacy clothing.
Bart: And I'll take up smoking and give that up.
Homer: Good for you, son. Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. Have a dollar.
Lisa: But he didn't do anything!
Homer: Didn't he, Lisa? Didn't he?
Sure, President Dinner Jacket grabbed those British sailors and paraded them for the cameras in violation of the Geneva convention. But then he let them go, just in time for Easter. Let's all join together to praise the rational and reasonable Iranian leader. Here's the Anchoress with the topsy-turvy world of "The Wonderland of Ahmadenijad and his despot friends":

Mike Wallace, who has made a point since early in President Bush’s first term to hammer him with negatives, gave Ahmadinejad a rather fond thumbs up not too long ago. Tyrants, for whatever reason, seem on an ascending curve, one that is redefining exactly who the good guys and bad guys are. Now, apparently, they are “good guys” are the too-long misunderstood tinpots and despots. The bad guys? Why, they’re the cowboys, of course.
Of course.

Extra - Protein Wisdom: "Bottom line - as Victor Davis Hanson noted yesterday - is that the EU, UN, and NATO seemed paralyzed - and this, before Iran goes nuclear. If the Iranians were probing for reaction in order to determine Western latitude for provocation, they likely come away from this quite emboldened."


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    This was not the business of the UN, the EU or NATO. These were British nationals and it was up to the Brits to deal with this as they saw fit. This is tied in closely with what is going on in Iraq and should not be viewed separately. Iran is actively engaged in trying to make the Iraq operation fail.

    The time for hand wringing about being soft in this region was when we went in. It's too late for that now. This is not war. It is a "struggle for hearts and minds", whatever the hell that means. There is no enemy from whom we can extract terms of surrender; there is no identifiable or quantifiable way to declare this operation complete. It will just go on and on.

    After al Sadr had his minions go out and kill American GIs, he held up in a mosque because he knew we weren't going to risk a public relations problem by blowing it up. There was no such hesitation when Germans held up in Catholic monasteries during WWII. That was because WWII was a war. Iraq is not.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    No need for imprecise "Simpsons" analogies! They have this specific situation covered nicely.

    Marge: Bart, I love you, but sometimes I don't love your choices. Sigh. Now we have to find another school for you.
    Homer: Yeah, and if you get kicked out of that one, you're going straight into the army, where you'll be sent straight to America's latest military quagmire. Where will it be? North Korea? Iran? Anything's possible with Commander Cuckoo Bananas in chare!

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

