Sunday, March 11, 2007

What liberal media?

Here's Robert Kagan in the WashPost with "The surge is succeeding":

A front-page story in The Post last week suggested that the Bush administration has no backup plan in case the surge in Iraq doesn't work. I wonder if The Post and other newspapers have a backup plan in case it does.
Better get out fast before things improve.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    It's neck-twisting, how quickly neocon-speak goes from "...when the history is finally written" to "OMG look what (allegedly) happened last week!" when it suits their purpose.

    George W. Bush has said the entire Iraq War is a comma. What's the "surge"? The middle dot in a "..."?

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Wishful thinking wingnuts. The fact that his brother is the architect of the "surge" might make for a little conflict of interest, no?

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    So, Robert Kagan says the surge is secretly succeeding.

    In other news, Damon Wayans says Marlon Wayans' "Little Man" and "Norbit" is the greatest one-two comedy punch of all time!

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I wonder if The Post and other newspapers have a backup plan in case it does.
    Better get out fast before things improve.

    Is the surge as successful as the "the liberals are rooting for our soldiers to die!" line of horsecrap?

    But keep right on saying it. It's really paying huge electoral dividends for you. The stupid voters who didn't know they were traitors will appreciate your intellectual honesty.

  5. Anon,

    Don't hide behind your "stupid voters". I'm sure in your mind they were brilliant in 2006 and idiots in 2004 when they re-elected Bush.

    I will clarify my position: the Democrats rose to power on an anti-war platform. But now they tell us the war is illegal and immoral...but they'll do nothing to stop it.

    Could it be that they're willing to keep the troops in harm's way so it won't hurt the Democrats/Hillary's chances in 2008? Why, that would be questioning their patriotism, which I will not do.

  6. Anonymous10:21 PM

    On the contrary... it's all the fault of the obstructionist™ minority! A not-so-oldie but a goodie!

    Clarify this: the Republicans tried to cling to power on a we-support-the-war platform. But when that failed in statistically historic fashion, they immediately tried to shift the onus onto the Dems.

    Good luck selling that one in '08, too!

  7. They??? Au contraire, mon frere. The American electorate put the Democrats in power and shifted the onus to them. Some would say it was a referendum to end the war.

    Little did they know it would lead to a barrage of non-binding referendums. Oh no!

  8. Anonymous12:53 AM

    The GOP couldn't get Henry Saad confirmed in six years, but that was all the Democrats' fault. The Democrats have failed miserably to end the war in two months, and that's also the Democrats fault! Q.E.D.!

    No wonder the Democratic Party keep on losing electi... that is, you simply can't beat something with nothi... I mean, voters know who to trust with their national securi... er, well, anyway, they still totally suck.

    The Dems've been branded with the scarlet O for onus! So it's certain doom for the blue team in 2008, then. It seems the Republicans hold all the trump cards!

    Again, may I wish you the very best of luck in selling "the Iraq War, brought to you by Nancy Pelosi." You can't miss!

  9. The Left will undoubtedly be right about this again, just as they were right about the "brutal Afghan winter" and the "brutal Iraqi summer" and the multiple thousands of dead in the "Battle for Baghdad" and the millions of refugess, and the failure of elections in Afghanistan and Iraq, and ....

    Must be nice not to have to be held accountable for previous idiocies when asserting today's.

  10. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Is this for real? Thousands haven't been killed in Baghdad? There aren't millions of refugees and displaced citizens? Elections have brought democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq? Are you nuts?

    Dun dun dun. Another mind bites the dust.

  11. You know, now that I've meditated on it: why are we fighting?

    It's pretty obvious that the Democrats never had a plan for Iraq, don't have one now, don't plan to introduce one, and even if they did it would never get past the Blue Dog Democrats, much less the Republicans and a Presidential veto.

    Enjoy your election victory which validates your philosophy of...winning elections, I think.

  12. Anonymous9:54 PM

    This rightwing silliness is entering "I'm rubber, you're glue" territory.

    Tsk tsk. When GWB and the mad genius Rove were all about winning elections, it was glorious. But as soon as they lost their shazam, that mean ol' soulless philosophy took over, darn it.

    Remember those giddy forecasts about an electoral map and actuarial tables that were only getting redder and redder and redder, for a generation at a minimum? Man, 2004 on the internet. That was awesome.

    Just how does your taunt work? "Nyah nyah, we lost"? "Just try to enjoy watching the GOP's strengths evaporate with incredible speed"? "Go ahead and let Iraq be the election's central issue, again, and SEE what happens!"

    Ouch! Scathing!
