Friday, March 16, 2007

Western Massachusetts tree-huggers overwhelmed by storm of irony

From the Boston Globe: "Interfaith group braves storm in climate change trek"

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. --As the world's warmest winter on record drew to an end with a weekend snow storm, a group of religious leaders started walking across the state Friday to bring attention to global warming.

The nine-day haul from downtown Northampton to Copley Square in Boston was planned far before forecasts called for a weekend of snow and sleet just a few days before the start of spring.
You can't make this stuff up. A huge hat tip to the Llama Butchers for this one. By the way, there's already about six inches of snow on the ground as of this writing, and it's just recently turned into a sleety freezing rain. This is going to be a joy to clear out tomorrow.

Update (3/17) - I saw the parade! They came through my town about 3:30pm today, about thirty protesters trailed by a green van. I could only make out one sign: "Global warming is a moral issue" and the person in the lead was using hiking poles to move down the street slushy with wet snow. For a second, I thought they were ski poles.


  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    What's funniest about the article is the Globe's (or, really, the AP's) studied obliviousness to the irony angle of this: "Interfaith group BRAVES storm..."; "As the world's warmest winter on record drew to an end..."; "...if it snows...we walk"; "the walkers kept their spirits strong by singing 'Keep on walking forward, never turning back'"

    Seeing these courageous people on their righteous mission, any thought of irony would be an outrage!

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    And after the warmest December/January on all of Earth in the ~125 years since they've been keeping records, too. So hilarious!

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Hey! Anonymous! ( the first one )

    'Any thought would be' HILARIOUS!

  4. Warmest December/January... not by far. We can track the temperatures back far *far* longer than 125 years.

    It will be nice to see what a melt uncovers in Greenland. And Vinland might again grow grapes.
