Friday, March 30, 2007

That's it, blame the bloggers - Radio Equalizer writes on the upset Muslims in Minnesota and how bloggers are being blamed for increasing tensions. Except the bloggers in question didn't write what they're accused of and, even if they did, welcome to the land of free speech.

Extra - The same mainstream media that balked at Mohammed cartoons loves Chocolate Jesus. Just in time for Easter!


  1. Eric,

    I have never use foul language on this site so I'll just say this to the whiny Minnesota Muslims: "[bleep] off."

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    "bleep" = "I have a limited worldview, constrained by my own prejudices, which makes me spout..."?

    By the way, the Minnesota Muslims had a GREAT recruiting year. Look for them to kick the Louisiana Lutherans' butts.
