Tuesday, March 27, 2007

That darn Wal-Mart - From MSNBC: "Wal-Mart Stores Inc. increased its U.S. charitable giving 10 percent last year to $272.9 million, the world’s largest retailer said Tuesday, likely defending its position as the country’s largest corporate donor of cash."

Associated Fark headline: "Wal-Mart is nation's most charitable corporate giver. Critics not swayed because admitting that Wal-Mart does anything positive would make their heads explode"


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Wal-Mart sales for the fourth quarter of 2006 were also up 10 percent (10.9% to be precise), to just over $98 billion. Its profit was also up 10 percent (9.8% to be precise), to just under $4 billion.

    Roughly, that's a 0.017% charitable tithe for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in 2006.

    $273 million ain't chicken feed, but it's also press released information coming from a company trying to rebut persistent criticism. Let's not submit Wal-Mart's name to Pope Benedict and kick off the canonization process just yet.

  2. By all means, let's ignore the estimated $2,000 every American saves annually by shopping at Wal-Mart. And that economists agree that Wal-Mart has had a significant effect on keeping inflation low.

    And what's with that Bill Gates? He only put a pittance of his wealth into his charitable fund. Probably bought himself a new TV last year, too.

    Also, funny name guy, your comment below was deleted for obscenity.

  3. I would comment but I have to get into my Hummer, stop off to get a transfat burger, go to Wal-Mart, and smoke in a public place. Maybe later.

  4. Anonymous11:54 PM

    You consider a veiled curseword to be more offensive than the 99,999th reprehensible accusation of treason. This time it was dusted off by a guy who has the astonishing balls to simultaneously accuse the Dems of "demagoguery." (Can we say "balls"?) Anyway, nice sense of proportion you've got there.

    "Only an American defeat in Iraq can ensure the Democrats' political victory next year." It's a scorching indictment, coming from those who use our soldiers as props, while hiding flag-draped coffins. From those who don't provide enough combat armor or de-mold hospitals, but who set aside $20 million for a planned October 2004 "day of celebration."

    Tell me more about coincidental timing and principled leadership, Papa.
