Saturday, March 31, 2007

It's up to Mbeki - Just as China is the only regional power able to keep the lid on crazy uncle Kim, South Africa is the only hope for the people of Zimbabwe. From the Boston Globe - "The lever to oust Mugabe": "Zimbabwe's devastated economy impedes regional growth, and the people fleeing its collapse are a strain on its neighbors. [South Africa president Thabo] Mbeki would be an African hero, not an imperialist, if he helped resolve this crisis and improved the lives of the 12 million Zimbabweans."


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    But he just gave Mugabe a vote of

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Problem with Mbeki and Mandela before him is that they were/are Mugabe's fellow travelers. The same Russians, Cubans, and Chinese that armed and trained the ZANU-PF and ZANLA terrorists provided the bombs that Mandela was arrested with. (Yes, he was actually arrested for plotting to murder innocent people with bombs. And yes, I know the media never told you about that!) Both parties benefitted from a Marxist international media that howled to the moon if one terrorist in Rhodesia got bruised and then ignored Mugabe's massacre of 10's of thousands in Matabeleland.
    Mbeki is just a Mugabe in waiting. He has seen how little the world cared about the Zimbabwe farm murder/appropriations and that has emboldened his own amibitions. Britain hasn't lifted a finger to protect those families that she herself urged to emigrate to Rhodesia after the war! Why will the West protect the Boer when the time comes? Mbeki fears that SA's own campaign of "land reform" could be endangered if he were to bring attention to Mugabe. Meanwhile, farm murders in SA are rising at an alarming rate. Mugabe's "success" assures Mbeki's own.
