Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It depends on the meaning of the word "audience" - Air America offers to host debate; dozens of listeners prepare to tune in, possibly by accident.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The attorney general exposed as another artless, perjuring hack... soldiers breathing in black mold... a surge that requires untrained or injured troops to meet the numbers... the GOP on the verge of losing its western stronghold states... an al-Qaeda resurgence... Fox News losing its mind over the blogosphere's bitchslap... the downfall of Tony Blair... Halliburton moving to Dubai... 2007 will be a year of subpoenas, sworn testimony and resignations...

    ...and you're writing about a prank by a Dead Man Walking radio syndicate.

    I sure am glad *I* don't have to keep a conservative blog going these days.

  2. I just love the trolls. Just love them.

    Anyway, this gives the rise to the old thought applied here: "If the Democrats debate on Air America, and no one hears it, did they really debate?"

  3. Oh by the way, I loved how liberals have turned our soldiers into anothe victim group. Thank God our soldiers aren't the wimps the left makes them out to be, or we would have been overrun by the Canadian military years ago.

  4. Oh by the way, I loved how liberals have turned our soldiers into anothe victim group. Thank God our soldiers aren't the wimps the left makes them out to be, or we would have been overrun by the Canadian military years ago.

  5. Oh by the way, I loved how liberals have turned our soldiers into anothe victim group. Thank God our soldiers aren't the wimps the left makes them out to be, or we would have been overrun by the Canadian military years ago.

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    But do you love how liberals have turned our soldiers into anothe victim group?

    Brian, translated: "Training? Armor? Health? PFAH! Those are for pussies! Put me in the game NOW, Sarge!"

    As for Air America's proposed debate, the distinction is that their offer is made in the spirit of mockery. They're just rubbing it in.

    But Fox News is genuinely insulted, and its independent credibility has been publicly damaged, by the collapse of their un-debate (and their testy, petulant reaction).

    One organization is joking this week, the other is just a punchline. Can you spot the difference?

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I just love the trolls. Just love them.

    "troll" = anyone who fails to match or surpass my bootlicking fealty to a contaminated leader.

  8. "I sure am glad *I* don't have to keep a conservative blog going these days."

    Well then it must be a glorious time for the liberal blogs. If you'll just post your URL I'll be sure to pop over and peruse your opinions on all these issues, maybe leave a comment of my own.

  9. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Great! Just go to http://www.turn-out-the-liiiiights-the-party's-oooooover.blogspot.com.hahahahahahaha/haha

  10. The same liberals complaining about how government health care is so awful to our troops (less than 1 million) are the same liberals who think that the same government would be the best to run a health care system for 300 million. I agree that the military care sucks. It is all the more reason why we don't want government health care for all.

  11. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Since Fox News isn't covering this story the way they reported Barack Obama's radical Muslim kindergarten, posters like Brian may have missed it.

    Injured troops are being sent back to Iraq before they've fully recuperated, because they need the warm bodies.

    Apparently this is another part of the surge "working" which the "liberal media" "refuses to report."
