Monday, March 19, 2007

Instapundit queries: "Bad inflation in Venezuela. Worse inflation in Zimbabwe. Airbus debacles. Unhappiness in the EU. What could these stories have in common? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?"

Daily Pundit guesses "metastasizing socialism" but I'm going with the more specific "capital flight." When the crazy socialists are running the show, the capitalists look elsewhere to lay down with the good socialists in China!


  1. All unrelated, except that the economies of Vene and Zimba are
    subject to the same conditions that others are. The little countries have to meet certain conditions in order to be allowed to play w/ the big boys at all. V. and Z. have always been sort of cantancerous or abrasive.
    I think the effect of the rheteric of the present rulers of those 2 places is vastly over estimated.
    How's th e weather in western mass.?

  2. Capital flight. oh, right.
    Well, you have a point there.
    I have always had a sneaking feeling that the international push for cheap labor costs/operating costs would eventually make North Korea attractive to some investors in the industrial sector.
    Different kind of crazy I guess.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Capital Flight has been happening, and it is landing in Miami. Look at some of the local papers there and you will see a "mini Venezuela" popping up, fast.
