Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Halliburton "tax dodge" - As Slate explains, the oil services company won't save anything on U.S. taxes by re-locating to Dubai; all of the savings would be from a reduction in foreign taxes. Nevertheless, Patrick Leahy called Halliburton's move "corporate greed at its worst." Damn capitalists, providing thousands of jobs and paying millions in corporate taxes!


  1. So uhhhhh for what ultra non-corrupt reason do you suppose they moved their HQ to Dubai then? And now that they are going to Dubai will there be mass protest at their involement with homland security

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Uh, DAV? Can you read?

    Savings in foreign taxes.

    There's your ultra non-corrupt reason.

  3. Also, they're simply going where the customer is going to be. I presumed in your mind, servicing customer is a sin of corruption?

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Are they that f*#$ing stupid? The company is still incorporated in the U.S. so it will still pay U.S. taxes.

    Halliburton supports energy exploration, mining, and drilling. Thanks to the Democrats, not much of that goes on the U.S.

  5. All Lefties *know* that's it's much better to be politically correct and toe the quasi-Marxist line than to do anything even remotely useful, but thanks for playing.

  6. Are you suggesting that Haliburton is the victim of a misinformation campaign? I am sure that the left has a full economic understanding of how Haliburton's move is complete corporate greed. After all, liberalism, not capitalism, has proven to be the most prosperous economic system ever. Just look at, for example, uh, well, gee, gosh.....
