Monday, March 26, 2007

"Free the Fifteen" march sparsely attended - Junkyard Blog has all the non-details on the non-outpouring of concern for the kidnapped British sailors.

More - From UK-based Expat Yank: "The terrorists they are"


  1. The Brits of 25 years ago went to war inThe Falklands over nothing more than an affront to national pride. The Brits of today are gutless, wimpy liberals. I feel sorry for what has happened to them.

    My grandfather served with a lot of teabags in WWII and told me about a huge brawl in a bar in Gibraltar over a US soldier saying "F--- the Queen." He told me the Brits were some tough SOBS. Thank God my Pop is dead. He would have been sickened by their lack of spine.

    Tony Blair should threaten to level Tehran. They'd be returned in minutes.

  2. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Ah, the machismo school of international relations. And then comes ninth grade.

    It's shocking, SHOCKING that one country would illegally seize the citizens of another country on suspicion of some trumped-up "national security" charge, and in the face of high-level protests, stash them in an unknown location in anticipation of invisible justice.

    Just who the hell does Iran think it is... the greatest country on Earth?

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It's shocking, SHOCKING that one country would illegally seize the citizens of another country on suspicion of some trumped-up "national security" charge, and in the face of high-level protests, stash them in an unknown location in anticipation of invisible justice.

    Ah, the "imply that serious adults determined to defend themselves are insecure bullies" school of political debate. I love the...what shall we call it?...nuance.

    I suppose you're talking about Guantanamo Bay.

    I also suppose that by "illegally seize" you mean round up on an active battlefield.

    And I suppose by "citizens of another country" you mean illegal combatants and terrorists in mufti.

    And I suppose by "some trumped up 'national security' charge" you mean getting caught in the act of firing on our uniformed soldiers or deliberately targeting civilian non-combatants.

    And that by "high-level protests" you mean the tramp conventions ginned up by the World Workers Party complete with "professional" protesters present for various leftist causes not dealing with the Middle East.

    And by "stash them in an unknown location" you mean...well, a very well known location.

    Really, do you expect to be taken seriously at all? Ever?

  4. I just love the trolls that can't wait to bash America and act like Iran is somehow equal or better than the United States. However, I don't see any of these hate and blame America first liberals moving to Tehran.

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    It would be so much easier if terrorism didn't exist. It would be so nice if we didn't have any enemies. If that we the case, we wouldn't need a military and the government could spend our hard-earned tax dollars on liberal social programs.

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    What We Have Learned:
    1. The British are wimpy, gutless liberals, nothing like the manly red-blooded liberals who populated England in WW2.
    2. Empty nuclear gamesmanship should be Option One, presumably because the "attacking the Middle East" strategy has gone so well.
    3. Neocons are the "serious adults" (which must mean that everyone else is a wet-diapered baby). It's not a daddy complex; it's leadership!
    4. If you've been seized or detained, you're guilty. Never mind all those contradictory examples; if it's not on Little Green Footballs, it didn't happen.
    5. Anyone who's protested any of America's policies in the past 5 years is a smelly Commie.
    6. If we weren't bombing Iraqis, welfare moms would only blow the money on grape soda and health care.
    7. If you don't like it, move to Tehran!

    Thank you for your wisdom and your courage. Without keyboard kommandos like yourselves, our remaining freedoms would be lost.

  7. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Lord Nelson must be spinning in his grave. These Brits can't get up in front of a camera fast enough to confessing their sins. Are they being tortured? Doesn't look that way. Even if they were being coerced, put up a fight at least. Even the crew of the Pueblo resisted their beatings and and showed their contempt. These Brits show no backbone. How about refusing to go on camera and smiling? One after the other, looking all fresh and clean getting up to say they were wrong. Where's their pride? Where was their ship when they were being rounded up? Watching in bewilderment? What an embarrassment. And now Blair is just another fading politician who made the incredibly stupid choice to follow Bush's inconceivably bad policies.
