Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Four legs good, two legs better

Have I questioned the Democrats' patriotism today? Well, let's get to it!

House Democrats delivered a $124.1 billion spending monstrosity larded over with domestic handouts: $100 million for citrus growers; $120 million for the shrimp and menhaden fishing industries; $283 million for the Milk Income Loss Contract program; $500 million to fight wildfires; $74 million for peanut storage — the list goes on.

This domestic slop was the political price to buy off supposedly principled Democrats who oppose the war and support the troops. Even with $21 billion in bribes, Pelosi was only able to muster a bare majority, with 14 Democrats joining the Republican opposition.

The Democratic leadership has eked out some sort of anti-war message with this pork barrel bonanza. But they should be ashamed of the unscrupulous way they did so. Bush could not have saved his veto pen for a more worthy piece of legislative junk.
Remember all those principled Democrats who promised - no way, nuh-uh - would they ever vote for the war funding, under any circumstances? Yeah, their opposition to the illegal, immoral war melted away with the right incentives.

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