Thursday, March 08, 2007

Faster, please, in Zimbabwe

From the Australian Herald Sun: "Unrest has Mugabe losing grip on reign"

Robert Mugabe's party is splintering under the impact of Zimbabwe's catastrophic economic crisis and he may be removed from office to avert a bloody political meltdown.

Citing widespread unrest within the Government, International Crisis Group said the situation in Harare was "reminiscent of the last stage of Mobutu's reign in the Congo".

The dictator Mobutu Sese Seko fled his country in 1997 after almost three decades of corrupt and violent rule.
It's hidden behind a subscription page, but the New Republic also has a story on "The Other African Genocide": "Masxigora began hunting mice to support (and feed) his wife and three children soon after Mugabe began confiscating thousands of productive, white-owned farms in 2000, a policy that has since led to mass starvation. Not long ago, Zimbabwe, the "breadbasket of Africa," exported meat and produced what was widely considered to be Africa's finest livestock. Today, Masxigora tells me that each mouse nets $30 Zim dollars, about 12 cents, which makes him a wealthy man in Zimbabwe."

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