Friday, March 30, 2007

England's rush to war, then

I suppose that when your military is concentrated in naval power, it's easy to make decisions like this:

Look at the timeline 25 years ago:
On April 2nd, the Argies seized the Falklands, which were all but undefended.
On April 5th a British task force of over 100 ships and 28,000 men sailed from England for the South Atlantic.
In three days! Talk about a rush to war, eh?
Now the Brits appear to be befuddled as to what can be done with Iran and England-based Expat Yank is not encouraged by the latest news.

More - From Oxblog "Your friendly neighborhood terrorist": "The United States has integrated its Arab and Muslim immigrants more successfully than most of Europe. But it would be wise not to ignore the threat that faces our most important ally and may soon face many others as well."


  1. they don't got 100 ships anymore, either!

    neither the heart, nor the stomach for war.

    nor the men in uniform, nor the willpower to use them when necessary.

    they are a second rate economy with a third rate military and a first rate history.


    steyn is right.

    america alone.

    or maybe just with AUSTRALIA!

    and israel.

  2. The British should apologize immediately and heed the calls of their soldiers to leave the immoral war in Iraq immediately. Unlike the U.S., which beats, tortures, and rapes innocent peoples caught up in U.S. and British blood lust, Iran is treating British soldiers with respect and dignity, which is why they are speaking out against the war and their imperialist homeland. Britian should offer Iran reparations at once, rather than forcing Iran to sue in the World Court for trespass damages.*

    * A composite of all the silly liberal opinions I have heard in the last few days.

    Seriously, I am saddened at how gutless the Brits have become.

  3. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Somebody with a "backseat road rage" attitude, and who thinks the real world is a game of Risk, should take a much deeper breath before accusing the side that's been more correct of having "silly" opinions.
