Friday, March 09, 2007

Dems cut and run from another evil empire - From Politico: "Nevada Dems nix Fox debate"

Update (3/10) - The Las Vegas Review Journal condemns the Nevada Democrats' cave-in to the "lunatic fringe."


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Golly gee, why would the Democrat Party not want to help legitimize Fox News, or endorse its fair and balanced coverage?

    Yesterday's headlines:

    USA Today:
    Dems to propose troop withdrawal from Iraq by fall of '08

    US Democrats craft Iraq troop withdrawal deadline

    CNN International:
    Anti-war House Dems demand 'clear timeline' for pullout

    ABC News:
    Dems to Seek Withdrawal From Iraq by '08

    Fox News:
    Democrats Stymied by Internal Divisions on Next Steps for Iraq

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Atrios nails it in one sentence:
    "Do actual respectable "balanced" news networks issue press releases telling candidates and political parties what they are and aren't supposed to do?"

  3. Chicken-debaters!! Why do they hate American troops?

    (Makes as much sense as the above.)

  4. Anonymous10:47 AM

    We're fighting Fox News there (Nevada) so we don't have to fight them here.

  5. Anonymous1:10 PM

    One good punch always makes a bully cry. The legitimate news organization Fox News, on the aftermath of the ex-debate:

    MORT KONDRACKE: Now this tells you a lot. Fox or no Fox, this tells you a lot about what the, Daily Kos kind of left-wing liberals are all about. I mean they are not about free speech and free debate. If Fox, you know, was embarrassingly right wing or something like that, it would be plain for all to see. They just want to stop at any of their — any Democrats from participating in this because it is a Fox thing, and they’re willing to intimidate them to do it. This is junior grade Stalinism on their part.

    FRED BARNES: Stalin?


    FRED BARNES: Alright, I agree.
