Sunday, March 04, 2007

Amazing Race update - Down the Chilean coast

Teams started out from Chile and needed to drive to San Pedro de Atacama in the middle of the night. Rob won't shut up. Once at the church, the clue tells teams to fly to Puerto Montt and then drive to Metri, still in Chile. Everybody gets only $37 for this leg of the Race. Some teams get the flight arriving at 12:55pm while the rest get on the flight coming in at 1:55pm. At Santiago airport, Teri & Ian are talking to an agent trying to get onto the earlier connecting flight to Puerto Montt when Mirna tries to talk to the very same agent. Ian flips out, telling Mirna not to talk to the agent while she's helping them, and calls for security. Seriously, Gidget and the Midget are a dysfunctional team with a capital "D."

Once in Metri, the clue is a Roadblock: one team member must catch and transfer 80 fish from a breeding tank to another holding tank. Danielle is hilarious picking up the fish, screaming like a little girl; Eric urges her to use her boobs to hold the fish down. On the bottom of the fish tank is the next clue, telling teams to head to La Maqina. Charla & Mirna are last to leave the fish farm.

At the next clue, it's the Detour: Vertical Limit or River Wild. Teams may either climb a 40 ft cliff or go a couple miles down white-water rapids in a raft. While other teams arrive, David & Mary are seen driving right past the road sign for the Detour. Meanwhile, the Beauty Queens go to the rafting detour without hitting the clue box first, which is likely to be a problem at the Pit Stop. Rob & Amber finish first, dammit, and head to the Pit Stop at Playa Petrahue.

At the Pit Stop, Dustin & Kandace arrive but Phil tells them they can't be checked in without all their clues. I thought they would get a 30-minute penalty but now they need to drive back up the river and find the clue they missed. However, this might be better than a time penalty as they just have to drive up the river and find the clue; they arrive back at the mat as Team #4. David & Mary are last to arrive at the River Wild (nobody chose the climb) and they're the last to arrive. I would have preferred to see Charla & Mirna go, but Team Kentucky is eliminated.

Final standings:

#1 - Rob & Amber for the third time in a row
(Six other teams)
#8 - David & Mary - PHILIMINATED

Next week: Cab confusion.

Extra - Check out recaps from Kris & Pat for more Amazing Race fun.

1 comment:

  1. Dang, thought you were skipping all-stars, sorry I didn't link your updates before this. Love "Gidget & the Midget"; I've been going with the rather obvious "One and a Half Women".

    Did you catch Eric's nipples at the mat? Looked like he's got them pierced or something weird; it was a definite gross-out moment for me.
