Tuesday, February 06, 2007

To read article, funny translations of English happy China time

In anticipation of the Beijing Olympics, China is cleaning up their imperfect English translations that have bemused travelers. From the Wall Street Journal: "Tired of Laughter, Beijing Gets Rid Of Bad Translations - Many Expats Regret Loss Of Wacky English in Signs; 'Slippery Are Very Crafty'"

For years, foreigners in China have delighted in the loopy English translations that appear on the nation's signs. They range from the offensive ("Deformed Man," outside toilets for the handicapped) to the sublime (on park lawns, "Show Mercy to the Slender Grass").
You don't want to know what they used to call the new "Hospital of Proctology."


  1. Yes we do want to know Erick....

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    My proctologist had thick fingers, and I took The Great Leap Forward.
