Friday, February 16, 2007

Sucks to be in the majority

Here's Harry Reid whining about those durn Republicans blocking a vote on the meaningless non-binding Iraq resolution:

"We demand an up-or-down vote," Reid said Thursday. "The resolution says we support the troops and oppose the escalation of the presence in Iraq. We're determined to give our troops and the American people the debate they deserve."
Sure, as long as that debate doesn't include any mention of GOP-sponsored resolutions. Hey, good luck with that Harry.

Update: Oh no! Harry Reid is going to make Senators work on Saturday. On Saturday! "After four years of fighting in Iraq, and two weeks of trying to force senators to debate the conflict, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid yesterday wheeled out the ultimate weapon: he ordered his colleagues to work on Saturday." All that's left now for the Republicans to do is shut down the Senate and the cycle of pettiness will be complete.

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