Saturday, February 03, 2007

Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

Very little hope escapes from the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq. From the Boston Globe: "Report says Iraq could be torn apart - Analysts see fleeting chance for stability"

The report by President Bush's top intelligence analysts said that if the violence continues to get worse, there are three possible outcomes: The country will disintegrate into three separate enclaves (Sunni, Shi'ite, and Kurdish), a strongman will seize power, or anarchy will set in, bringing with it "the greatest potential for instability."
Although the report holds out hope for a national reconciliation, it also states that all progress towards that goal could unravel with a high profile attack.

Update - A high profile attack like this: "At Least 121 Killed in Homicide Bomb Attack at Baghdad Market"

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