Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nancy Pelosi's logic - William "Cold Cash" Jefferson: no good for Ways and Means but trustworthy enough for Homeland Security. Brilliant.


  1. Anonymous1:06 AM

    A guy who knows how to keep $90,000 in cash safe is still a thousand times more trustworthy than an administration that lost the receipts to secret planeloads filled with $8 to $12 billion of cash-bricks.

    The Watchdog GOP™: Standing tall for American security since January 2007.

  2. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Yes, by all ways and means, force that floor vote, gentlemen. Let the voters see which party is focused on our national security, and which party is unserious.

    The U.S. Senate began debating legislation to bolster America's security on Wednesday with the White House threatening a veto because one part would extend union protection to 45,000 airport workers [...]

    The overall bill would implement many of the stalled recommendations of the bipartisan commission created after the September 11 attacks.

    The measure refines other recommendations and imposes new ones, such as the labor provision, and would let state and local governments share information with federal authorities, build better communication systems and provide grants to help high-risk areas prepare for disasters.

    But White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said if the labor provision remains in the legislation, "the president's senior advisers would recommend he veto the bill."

    Thirty-six Republican senators sent a letter to Bush on Tuesday saying they would provide the needed votes to sustain a veto in the 100-member Senate.

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    If you claim your people are going to do better than Bush & Co. to get elected, and you do, maybe you should actually act better than Bush & Co. when you are finally elected.

    And another thing, when you actually claim you're going to pass lots of sweeping legislation in the first 100 hours, actually work and pass sweeping legislation in the first hunderd hours. Kinda like the ol' church lock-ins, where you buy a whole bunch of pizza and soda, have a room with sleeping bags and pillows for the people who just plain pass out, and actually DO SOMETHING!

  4. Anonymous10:46 PM

    It's all the fault of those darned Republicans! They're... they're... OBSTRUCTIONIST!
