Friday, February 23, 2007

Air America's value: $nothing


  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Wow. Zero dollars. Just imagine if liberals really did like to wallow in bitter anger and BDS, the way so many smart cookies on the right still insist they do.

    The left's "we need a Rush Limbaugh of our own" strategy was a miserable, miserable flop.

    But Fox News' "we need a 'Daily Show' of our own" strategy is sure to be a hilarious blockbuster!

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM


    Nice straw man. Actually the right's insistence was that so many of the existing media (the NYT, Washington Post, ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN) was tilted to the left that there was no reason for you morons to seek out a new source like the no talent hacks at Air America. Nothing that happened in reality(sorry to drag that concept into your ranting) did anything besides prove the Right to be correct!

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Except for understanding what actually constitutes a straw man... or a rant... or the right's misperception of the left... or reality... that was a very bright post. You must be one of those smart cookies on the right. A Nutter Butter, by the looks of it.

    Back to your warm, cozy echo chamber!

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Phil is correct.

    Snarkman, you are clearly a fool.

  5. Anonymous12:06 AM

    GOP media hate sells better than Dem media hate. The truth obviously hurts.

  6. Anonymous2:48 AM talent hacks...sorry to drag that concept into your are clearly a fool...prove the Right to be correct.

    Ha! Way to disprove a theory about conservative screamers!

    Which one of you is Ditto, and which one is Ditto Ditto?

  7. Anonymous3:20 PM

    A "straw man" is when you attribute to your opponent an argument they never made so you can easily shoot it down. Which is what O'Franken did in the original comment.
    "No talent hacks" was proven by the infinitesimal ratings the market gave Air America.
    "Morons" you proved yourself by your additional comments.

  8. Anonymous4:30 PM

    It's so adorable, the way Phil thinks it was liberals who coined retarded blogslang like "Bush Derangement Syndrome," in hopes of insulting themselves.

    As for the straw man premise that liberals like to wallow in their bitter anger... that's NEVER been a conservative description of liberals, oh no. The right NEVER portrayed Air America as a crabby echo chamber of leftwing sore loserdom.

    Good thing we have non-morons like Phil to keep the record straight.

    Keep preaching that "reality," Professor! And keep fighting the intelligent fight against those swarms of raging dittohead liberals who gave Al Franken such huge ratings.

  9. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Poor Phil! Don't confuse him with facts.
