Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Stupid, homophobic voters to decide gay marriage in Massachusetts

The Boston Globe takes a unique position towards the constitutional process: every issue is open to petition by the citizenry except civil rights:

When a final vote is taken by the new Legislature, the members must consider whether this is an appropriate issue to put to the voters. We believe Massachusetts voters would not take away this right, and a popular endorsement might be considered healthy. But civil rights are fundamental, and gay marriage should not be subject to plebiscite here, any more than it would have been appropriate to have Alabama voters directly decide school integration or Virginia voters decide interracial marriage.
Ye’haw, y’all, we’re all Southerners now! To recap: the Massachusetts Supreme Court discovers a right that didn’t exist for 200 years and, by fiat, makes it state law. Bay Staters collect the largest number of signatures on a petition in history asking that all Massachusetts citizens – and not four members of the Court – make that decision. But since the Globe can’t defend the Constitutional process, it has to attack the prejudiced citizens. Nice.

Extra – From Stop the ACLU: “Would-be dime-store tyrants in PlanetMass legislature finally do their constitutional duty, marriage amendment clears another hurdle

More – From Mass Backwards: “The Deval responds” With helpful translations.

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