Saturday, January 27, 2007

The song remains the same

From the Boston Globe: “Six-figure pay for care plan overseers - Salaries at new state agency stir concern

Employees of the new state agency established to provide health insurance to the state's low-income residents have been hired at an average salary of $111,000 a year, with 12 of the 22 staff members making more than $100,000 and six earning more than Governor Deval Patrick and his Cabinet secretaries.

The state's landmark universal healthcare law, approved last year to provide affordable coverage to the state's approximately 500,000 uninsured residents, has created a bureaucracy with a salary scale like that of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority or the Massachusetts Port Authority, two quasi-independent agencies that Patrick and former governor Mitt Romney have railed against for their overly generous compensation packages.
What a shocker: a new government agency is (already) rife with overpaid pols and inherent waste. Thanks for the good intentions.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Mitt Romney's legacy. This will propel him to the presidency, as the darling of the conservatives.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Of course, if the new agency were to pay say, $15 bucks an hour for the head honcho spots, the nimrods at the Globe would be whining about the pay not being adequate as compared with the dreaded private sector, thus the .gov not being able to recruit the "best and brightest."
