Monday, January 22, 2007

Shut up already

From the WashPost: “Confidence in Bush leadership at all-time low, poll finds

The president will use his speech to try to rally public opinion behind the troop deployment plan, but during the past 10 days he has made no headway in changing public opinion. The Post-ABC poll shows that 65 percent of Americans oppose sending more troops to Iraq; it was 61 percent immediately after the president unveiled the plan on Jan. 10 in a nationally televised address.
The more President Bush talks, the more his support withers. This is going to be a heckuva State of the Union address. Somebody, please, get Andy Card back into the White House.


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    "I earned capital, political capital, and now I intend to spend it."

    Mmmmm, seems like fifty years ago, doesn't it?

    Too bad Aeschylus isn't still around. This comedy/tragedy about a powerful fool and his hubris would have been right up his alley. Wonder if they'll still be laughing at this farce 2,500 years from now?

  2. IIRC, Bush was speaking about using that political capital to reform Social Security before entitlement spending leaves future generations under a mountain of debt. Thank heaven he was stopped.

    Nobody knows what Iraq is going to look like in 30 years. But I can guarantee what America's going to look like when the federal budget is reduced to "Social Security" "Medicare" and "Interest on the National Debt."

  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    "Reform." Oh yes, sure it would've been. "Interest on the National Debt" worries you, and yet you rue not letting the Debtmaster get his mitts into Social Security.

    Everything Bush has touched has been mismanaged and wrecked. It's worth waiting two more years, for a serious, more competent adult to get a try.

    It's funny how, of all the catch phrases on both sides, it will end up being "miserable failure" that will have the longest run.

  4. Anonymous2:11 AM

    "National debt" for me has no solution. That's an unending problem.
