Wednesday, January 10, 2007

President Bush’s address

Snap judgment: no matter what, Dubya is still the President of the United States, the leader of the Free World, but tonight he looked weak and chastened. He needed to exude strength and resolve but looked like a guy reading a teleprompter.

Furthermore, the speech needed a hook: an “axis of evil” or “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” moment. Where was the memorable, defining phrase to frame the issue and keep everyone reminded of the fight on hand? “Americans have never run from a fight?” Riveting. That’s one for the water cooler tomorrow.

At least Dick Durbin didn’t disappoint in the Democratic response: there was criticism for everyone (Bush, the Iraqis) except the terrorists and a fat non-binding resolution to show the new Congress is serious about being unserious.

Extra – Weekend Pundit says “Bravo!” Really? That's over the top.

AJ Strata: “Bush reminded people plans for failure are not an option. And while our hopes had not been achieved yet, our options for success are still wide open. Dower Durbin, the leader of the pessimist party, made the insane decision to go ahead and be the example of what Bush said was not feasible or safe.”

Dr. Taylor the Poliblogger has a list of legitimate criticisms, none of which I disagree with.

Betsy echoes my thoughts: “I don't think that his delivery was all that great tonight and the speech seemed devoid of any inspirational language. Unfortunately, it wasn't the speech that a Churchill, FDR, or Lincoln would have given when times were going badly for our troops.”

And finally, here’s Victor Davis Hanson: “After listening tonight to Wesley Clark, Dick Durbin, Tom Vilsack, Nancy Pelosi, etc. I still can't for the life of me learn what they want to do. Not one will support Ted Kennedy's cut-off of funds. Apparently the party line is that we can't win, but we're afraid to pull out in case we do, and so we will equivocate as we watch the battlefield and make the necessary rhetorical adjustments just in time.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    no matter what, Dubya is still the President of the United States

    And Carter was still the President after those helicopters crashed, and Reagan was still President after Iran-Contra, and Nixon was still President after Watergate, and Clinton was still President after the impeachment stunt, and LBJ was still President after Tet.

    He's completely done.
