Thursday, January 11, 2007

Now where did I put my backpack?

It’s been 15 years since I graduated from Rutgers and I never thought I’d be heading back to school. But I seem to have settled into a career limbo of sorts, so I’ve decided to pursue a master’s degree from Western New England College in engineering management. The classes are offered in the evening so I probably won’t be doing any posting during those days. (I took off work today to make sure I get to my first class.) So wish me luck; I have my pencil box and milk money all ready to go. Gosh, I hope the kids like me.


  1. Good luck pal. I am glad you are doing this. I went back to school at 29 years old and got a law degree at 35. Best thing I ever did. I think you will never regret doing this.

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I went back to school at 40 for a Masters in Project Management (my BS is in Computer Science).

    Total Cost: $15,500

    Out-of-pocket cost: $3500 (after employer-paid tuition reimbursement)

    Salary one year after graduation: $20,000 a year more than before.

    Return on Investment: I dunno. My calculator doesn't go that high.

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Don't forget your Ronald Reagan lunchbox!

  4. Best of all, you'll probably be in classes with at least half students fresh out of undergrad who don't know how hard you have to work in grad classes to succeed.

    When I went back at 42, many of my classmates continually asked 'how do you get so much done? It never looks like you're working." That was because I was working all the time, at least a little, and the work came first. They were used to being the best students in undergrad and not having to work much. Ha!

    And I at least tripled my income by getting a PhD.
