Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More memory mishaps at Scooter’s trial

Yesterday at the Scooter Libby trial, Ari Fleischer testified that he told (then) Time reporter John Dickerson and NBC reporter David Gregory about Valerie Plame’s relation to Joe Wilson. Well, John Dickerson doesn’t remember it and David Gregory isn’t talking.

Today, Judith Miller remembered stuff that never came up in her initial testimony to the grand jury:

In his most telling foray, [defense attorney] Jeffress asked how she could testify that Libby was agitated on June 23 when she couldn't even remember the meeting in her first grand jury testimony. He played a tape of a broadcast interview in which she had said "it's really easy to forget details of a story you're not writing." She testified she never intended to write a Plame story herself.
More problems for the Fitzgerald case: according to the peerless Tom Maguire, Miller isn’t willing to name other sources that may have discussed the Plame-Wilson connection. It seems she, um, forgot:

Miller is being asked by the defense about other sources for Wilson and Plame news and claims she does not remember them.
Tom’s assessment: “I smell mistrial.”

More – Even left-leaning Salon can’t hide it: “Scooter Libby's defense team is finally drawing blood, and it belongs to former New York Times reporter Judith Miller.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Some of Tom "I smell mistrial" Maguire's predictive mastery, 3 months ago:

    ...we had a great employment report on Friday, and the WaPo thinks this is over? Bring it on!

    We're going to keep people up late on Tuesday.

    ...the latest polls...are, for Dems, either bleak or ghastly, depending on one's perspective.

    I stand by my bland, CW prediction - Dems win the House, Reps keep the Senate. However, based on the latest polls I will add that Ms. Pelosi will govern by a thread, and the Senate won't be suspenseful - Talent, Allen, and Burns will win their 'toss-up' races, as will Corker. I'm saying good-bye to Chafee but have high hopes for Kean in NJ and Steele in Maryland. Pencil me in for 53 Republican Senate seats...

    So, my fellow Reps, sit back and enjoy Election Night - we are keeping the Senate and the Dems are either going to win a booby prize, to wit, the obligation to stop hiding from America, or they will lose the House and tear themselves apart.
