Thursday, January 11, 2007

Like I said – Here’s John at Powerline: “In the past, I've often said that President Bush has been more effective in televised speeches than he has been given credit for. Not tonight. I thought he came across as stiff, nervous, and anxious to get it over with. The importance of the issue seemed to overwhelm the President's ability to communicate. I suspect that only a few listeners absorbed more than a general impression of what the new strategy is all about.” It was a swing and a miss, both in style and substance. OK, that’s all.

More - Oak Leaf on Polipundit sees the backlash forming.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I've about given up on Polipundit. The negative vibes are getting too string there for me. Might as well hang out at KOS sometimes.

    As for Bush's speech, it may be just a blip on some future historian's notepad now, but they thought that Lincoln's Gettysburg address sucked at the time, too. Even Lincoln was dissappointed in his performance.

    Only time will tell.

    I'm not convinced the so called "surge" of 20,000 troops is such a big deal. IMHO the changes in strategy and tactics wil be more important in the long run.
