Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am Robert Samuelson

It sure sounds like me in this must-read Washington Post article: “Entitled selfishness – Boomer generation is in a state of denial

As Congress reconvenes, pledges of "fiscal responsibility" abound. Let me boldly predict: On retirement spending, this Congress will do nothing, just as previous Congresses have done nothing. Nancy Pelosi promises to "build a better future for all of America's children." If she were serious, she would back cuts in Social Security and Medicare. President Bush calls "entitlement spending" the central budget problem. If he were serious, he, too, would propose cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

They are not serious, because few Americans -- particularly prospective baby-boom retirees -- want them to be. There is a consensus against candor, because there is no constituency for candor. It's no secret that the 65-and-over population will double by 2030 (to almost 72 million, or 20 percent of the total population), but hardly anyone wants to face the implications.
Read the whole thing including those implications, please. This article is so good, I might just make it a permanent link on my blogroll.

Extra – More from Right as Usual.

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