Monday, January 15, 2007

Great minds think alike

Mike Pence (R-IN) says “No new taxes for Social Security”:

Despite the fact that Republicans have already turned off millions of conservative Americans by runaway federal spending, some conservatives are expressing support for a Republican tax increase. They believe that through shrewd negotiating, the administration will get Democrats to agree to benefit reductions without a net tax increase, meaning a removal of the payroll cap could lead to a reduction in the payroll tax or the offering of tax credits to low-income workers. Such hope is folly disguised. Democrats are not likely to agree to reductions in promised benefits without exacting an actual tax increases, unless of course, "tax credits" are a thinly veiled attempt at passing a new entitlement for low-income workers through the tax code.
Social Security was supposed to be the government benefit for “everybody”; indeed, last year Democrats opposed reform proposals to index benefits because it would undercut the program’s political support. But the drumbeat for reform is still heading in the same direction where Social Security morphs into a welfare program. Let me add (cynically): where else could it go?

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