Tuesday, January 09, 2007

D'oh! A deer!

Well, I hit a deer tonight. Relax, I'm sure he's off telling all the others how the horrified look on my face was just priceless.

He (she?) was standing stock-still in the middle of the road and I swerved left to miss it but I still heard a sickening thump. I doubled back, grabbed my flashlight, and imagined making a call to the local police, but the deer was long gone. Looking at the front of my car, there wasn't a scratch: no broken headlights, no new dents. But I must have clipped him with my right side mirror because it was dangling from some wires. Mr. Deer will have a bruise, but probably nothing more.

So, it was a scary moment, but it could have been much, much worse for all parties involved.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Man, glad everyone is ok. I live in a high deer area, and an overabundance of experience has proven that swerving can really be worse than just hitting the deer. I just slow down as fast as I safely can, and if mr. deer hasn't moved when I get there I hit the gas to bring the nose of the car up (to keep him from giving me a kiss after entering through the windshield).
