Friday, January 19, 2007

Democrats celebrate legislative success, Americans ask: “What?” – Via Strata-Sphere: “Democrats seen as wandering aimlessly.”

That might be unfair. This Democratic Congress has fresh new ideas for the 21st century like raising the minimum wage and vilifying oil companies.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Whining about the Democrats not having ideas has ceased to be a new idea.

    The GOP "you can't win with no ideas" meme died like a dog in 2006. Maybe the voters weren't dumb enough to swallow Sean Hannity's definition of "no ideas." Perhaps after six years of Bush, the comparative lack of glib incompetence was treated like a new idea. Or else, it turns out you actually can win with no ideas!

    No matter the reason, it's another failed talking point. Er, make that "core value."
