Saturday, January 20, 2007

The debate is over – All shall speak as one, or else: “Ms. Cullen has made a name for herself of late by calling for the American Meteorological Society to pull accreditation for your local television weather guy/gal if he or she doesn’t pay homage to the belief that humans are causing global warming.” For this and other weather-related nonsense, Matt Hoy has named her “Moron O’ the Day.” Matt also reviews "Unstoppable Global Warming" by two science-type guys who suggest global warming is on a 1,500-year cycle.

1 comment:

  1. As I posted at Hoystory:

    "I’ve seen a little of her vitae. Compared to her undergrad and masters degree, what in the world did she study and what was her dissertation to become whatever her PhD is. (It’s not obvious to me what her PhD was awarded in. Does anyone have access to this info?)"

    I'd be really interested in knowing what her credentials really are. Does she know any math or stat at all? Has she taken any courses in modeling? Inquiring minds want to know.
