Friday, January 26, 2007

Air America update

Boy, I haven’t had one of these in a while. From the Santa Cruz Sentinel “Liberal AM radio fails to pay its own way in Santa Cruz” here’s KOMY station owner Michael Zwerling:

"We didn't sell a single ad in a year and a half," Zwerling said Thursday. "I thought liberal radio would work as a viable advertising business in the most liberal town in America. I was wrong"

"It's an angry, nasty, pissing and moaning format where the only thing they say is 'Bush stinks' or 'Bush is bad'," he said. "No commercial advertiser wants to be associated with that"
Yeah, that’s about the sum of their programming. Will the French family save this tree falling in the forest? I know you won't stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    And for the 338th time, it's amazing how the right continues to insist that liberals are furious, bitter Bush Derangement Syndrome Victims who have a psychological need to hear their own opinions repeated incessantly inside a partisan bubble... and yet the Air America stations can't catch on anywhere. Not even in cities that went 8:1 or 9:1 for Kerry.

    Whereas pissed-off rightwing radio thrives, despite the GOP being the serious grownups. A puzzlement!

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Two reasons -- most of conservative talk radio is actually entertaining to go along with any rants. Most hosts spend a lot of time laughing at the left. Air America has zero humor, just the rants. But the biggest reason is that the left already has PBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, MSNBC, John Stewart, Colbert, NPR, Pacifica, and almost every major newspaper to get their daily quota of BDS. And most of them are way more entertaining than Air America.
