Friday, December 22, 2006

Walking in an air-pump wonderland

From the NY Times – “Those inflatable Santas: Eyepoppers to Eyesores

On a recent quiet afternoon, with few witnesses around, Homer Simpson, Santa Claus and a penguin perched on an igloo suddenly appeared here on the Long Island landscape as if from nowhere, unfolding slowly like Frankenstein monsters lurching to life on the table. As Homer’s extremities reached full size, his pink nylon fist puffed into Mr. Snow Man’s face — an involuntary attack, to be sure. Bop.

Such is the phantasmagoric, Disney-esque experience of the new Christmas custom sweeping the suburbs.

Whatever else Christmas in America means — the birth of Jesus, holly wreaths, the Chipmunks, cultural tension — it now also includes these gargantuan, inflatable outdoor decorations, called “Airblowns” by their chief manufacturer.
There’s a guy down the street who must have 30 of those balloons in his front yard.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    And the three kings brought the Christ child precious gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and helium.
