Saturday, December 16, 2006

Suddenly speechless - Some kind of tipping point has been reached where Jimmy Carter, who used to be seen as a washed-up gadbout, is now perceived as an anti-Semitic jerk and some people aren’t taking it in stride. First, there was this caller to C-Span and now Alan Dershowitz wants to debate the ex-President about his new book. No thanks, said Carter, gotta polish my Nobel prize that night.

Extra – From Betsy: “Carter is an intellectual coward


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I don't know who Bill Biddle is, but he's singlehandedly mopping the floor with the Carter bashers in the Comments link.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Piddle, Biddle, you are all cut from the same cloth. Biddle is throwing out the same old talking points.

    Carter, while he has been getting away with a lot over the years, just went to far. Tipping point is correct.

    His supporters are left trying to patch over the gaping hole in the veneer of respectability.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Carter, while he has been getting away with a lot over the years, just went to far.

    Amen. Thank God some brave computer typists have stood up to this madman Carter. His intolerable wave of crime has finally come to an end.

  4. Oh, right. bill biddle, who is simultaneously moving the goalposts, launching ad hominems at one and all who disagree with him, denying any Palestinian hand in the problem, and excusing terrorist activity by the Palestinians is "mopping the floor" with the 'Carter bashers'?

    It is to laugh.

    Of course, if you choose to simply repeat ad infinitum the basic Fatah/Hamas talking points while insisting the other side isn't interested in debate, maybe to Lefty idiots it *looks* like you're winning.

  5. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Wow, taking on Jimmy Carter, on the eve of 2007. Forget the monster's Nobel, give that lady a Profile in Courage!

    Best of all, Betsy isn't merely trying to score partisan points. Surely she reserves equal disgust and criticism for any President who... how exactly did she put it? Who "is an intellectual coward who just wants to face adoring audiences of those who already agree with him." Thank heavens this description only applies to one living President.

    And three cheers for those brave commenters for standing up to Bill Biddle and his heinous ad hominem launches. Because he's a "Lefty idiot," simply repeating Fatah propaganda "ad inifinitum"! DIS-missed!
