Thursday, December 28, 2006

Saddam-free in 2007 - Via Macsmind, MSNBC is reporting that Saddam Hussein will be hung by sundown Sunday. Somehow I doubt it. Get Ramsey Clark on the phone.


  1. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Gee, I wonder if this will make the Sunni loyalists even angrier?

    Gosh, I wonder if this will inspire the Bush loyalists to tout the historic rightness of the Iraq invasion for the 50th time?

    Either way, Hussein's execution CHANGES EVERYTHING. 2007 is gonna RULE!

  2. I get it: every post I do on Iraq must be tagged with a snarky "we're turning the corner!" or "this changes everything!" comment.

    And, of course, the alternative solutions offered are "We never should have gone in the first place."

  3. Dead dictator.

    I like that idea.

    Anyone unable to comprehend that a dead Saddam is - by itself - something to commend, is so stupid and anti-American as to deserve even less than a warm bowl of urine for their comments.

  4. I cannot believe that Saddam's constitutional rights are being violated for the whole world to see. He is entitled to 25 years of appeals, at least.

    Of course, this is just another example of Bush shredding the Constitution to serve his own ends. We the people of San Francisco will be out in protest tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Brian's dreary auto-robo-satire generator needs some fresh data input.

    And, of course, the alternative solutions offered are "We never should have gone in the first place."

    Yeah, that would be the sensible viewpoint.

    Anyone unable to comprehend that a dead Saddam is - by itself - something to commend, is so stupid and anti-American as to deserve even less than a warm bowl of urine for their comments.

    It should go without saying, but dead Saddam isn't "by itself." In case the presumably supersmart, America-loving DJ Drummond hasn't noticed, this glorious moment comes at the cost of 3,000 troops, any one of whom was worth more than Hussein; at another 23,000+ legs and eyes and hands; of more than a trillion dollars of our money; of the full moral reserve of American influence in world affairs; of a shiny new nuclear device in Iran; and, if none of that upsets the urine-free Drummond any, of a GOP government.

    Enjoy the necktie party... it wasn't catered cheaply.

  6. Just a joke pal. I always write that silliness here. I am anxious to see Saddam get his.
