Monday, December 11, 2006

Quote of the day – Clear Channel’s talk radio operations manager Bill Hess on Air America’s Randi Rhodes: "She's got unbridled passion, which is good, but my ears are going to bleed after 15 minutes. Man, how about a laugh now and then?" Brian, call your office!


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Yeah, come on, Randi! Do something funny, will ya? How about mocking the spasms of a Parkinsons victim?

  2. Welcome, Jackson Heights!

  3. How about mocking the spasms of a Parkinsons victim?

    Hey, I just remembered...there was this guy who associated Fox's condition with the song "Shakin' All Over" by the Guess Who.

    He's going straight to hell.

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM

    When the world thinks of classic comedy, it thinks two words: "Clear Channel."
