Monday, December 11, 2006

Not them again

First I lost my NASCAR fantasy league and then the Republicans lost Congress. But this is just pouring salt into the wound: the ubiquitous and annoying Rob & Amber will appear on “The Amazing Race: All-Stars

A CBS spokesman confirmed the all-star nature of the next "Race" but declined comment on which past cast members will return.

However, insiders said Rob and Amber -- who appeared on "Race" after appearing on two editions of "Survivor" -- will be given another shot at the top prize.
As I said last night, I condemn this stunt. Part of the fun of the Race is that new teams have to navigate their way through foreign locales and strange situations. Everybody on All-Stars will have been through this already, while sucking up spaces that could have given new teams a chance. It’s wrong on so many levels.

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