Monday, December 25, 2006

My first book

After a year of waiting, my first book is now available for sale; the title is “Specialty Optical Fibers Handbook.”

OK, I didn’t write the book, but I wrote the chapter on “Hermetic optical fibers: carbon-coated fibers.”

OK, so I co-wrote the chapter with a guy who got his PhD from MIT while I have a B.Sci. from Rutgers, so you can probably guess on how the separation of labor split up. But, hey, I’m just happy they spelled my name correctly.

(BTW, if you decide to purchase the Handbook as a late Christmas present, I receive no royalties whatsoever. My “payment” for a couple solid days of writing and re-writing is…one book.)


  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    (BTW, if you decide to purchase the Handbook as a late Christmas present, I receive no royalties whatsoever. My “payment” for a couple solid days of writing and re-writing is…one book.)

    Mickey: "What the hell is that? I trained ya to be a fighter, not a billboard."
    Rocky: "I'm doin' it for a friend."
    Mickey: "What do you get out of it?"
    Rocky: "Paulie gets three grand, I get the robe."
    Mickey: "Shrewd."

    Congrats on seeing print!

  2. Thanks, Des.

    And all the best to you and your family for the new year.

    I look forward to a spirited contest on January 12th.
