Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ISG - Via NPR, here’s the Executive Summary of the Iraq Study Group report. Will it change anything? Probably not.

Extra – Jeff Jacoby doesn’t think much of the ISG’s suggestion of working with Iran and Syria: “The danger of engaging with the enemy” – “The war against radical Islam, of which Iraq is but one front, cannot be won so long as regimes like those in Tehran and Damascus remain in power. They are as much our enemies today as the Nazi Reich was our enemy in an earlier era. Imploring Assad and Ahmadinejad for help in Iraq can only intensify the whiff of American retreat that is already in the air. The word for that isn't realism. It's surrender.”


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    What else can you expect from a committe headed by an anti-Jewe, anti-semite like James Baker, who is nothing more than a Pat Buchanan in a nice suit.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    It is no coincidence that James Baker is involved. He is an ally of Bush I, and Bush I always placed the welfare of the US above his own political interests or pride. He knows that his son has to take this one on the chin for the good of the country because this ill-conceived mission is doomed and is doing more damage than good to the US. These guys are trying to provide some kind of cover for Bush II to get the US out of this mess.

    A place that was once virtually terrorist-free is now crawling with them and serves as a training ground for new jihadists. The notion of creating an inclusive democracy in this cesspool of Islamist sectarian intolerance is not realistic. The horror is that every American soldier who is killed or maimed in this effort from here on out suffers or dies for an ill-defined mission that will fail. Bush I is a combat veteran and a foreign-policy expert and realist. He and his cronies are to be trusted with the welfare of the troops and the country more than the current cast of characters.

    Bush I and his crew got it right the first time it was suggested that America invade Iraq:

    Trust them.
