Thursday, December 28, 2006

For those of you who ever wanted to wield a Light Saber for real

This seems like it has to be a hoax, but there he is with a fluorescent bulb. From the Boston Herald:

A North Attleboro man faces financial ruin because he built a new home so close to dangerous high-voltage transmission lines that fluorescent bulbs inside the house light up without even being plugged in.
The electric currents running through the two-story home are considered so potentially harmful that the town’s fire department has strung “caution” tape around the house while an electrical inspector has refused to issue a final permit out of fear someone might get electrocuted.
Alternative headlines considered for this post:

“Current” events
Cut back on the caffeine, dude
He was “charged” with building too close to power lines
He’ll never turn to the Dark Side

And my personal favorite: “Ohm is where the heart is.”


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    What I'd really like is the arm strength to wield a heavy saber.

  2. Anonymous10:44 PM

    What I'd really like is the arm strength to wield a heavy saber.

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Sorry. That was a double click twitch, not trying again too soon.

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM


  5. Anonymous11:26 AM

    While attending technical training in the USAF, we were shown a film on radio frequency (RF) hazards. After the film, the instructor turned out the lights in the room and turned on a TACAN transmitter. Pointing the antenna at the ceiling, three rows of about 2 dozen flourescent lights lit up.

    On the flightline in the real Air Force, I carried a screwdriver with a neon bulb embeded in the handle. The screwdriver would light up in the presence of a working RADAR unit.

    In the repair shop, we often held a flourescent light bulb in front of the RADAR. Its very weird to be holding one of those and have it light up without any obvious source of electricity.

    - Timothy

  6. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Move the house to a different location.

  7. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Flourescent lights contain mercury. This is clearly an ohm-en against their use which endangers the environment! By the way, do not stand next to any AM broadcast towers with a flourescent light, either, or next to your car's spark plug wires, etc. etc. etc.

    "Electromagnetism for a cleaner world!"

  8. Anonymous6:24 AM

    No Kitty, one moves the power lines. Always look for the more costly way to solve a problem. That's liberal methodology. And you call yourself a Baystater!
